The Memoir Manuscript Class 2025
This monthly (10 sessions) workshop-based programme provides participants with ongoing support while they work on a major memoir or poetry writing project and focuses on developing critiquing skills. Every month students will critique or receive feedback at some depth, from the class and the tutor on student manuscript extracts. Tutor and peer feedback enables students to evaluate their own writing while peer support encourages completion of the work. Sessions are monthly to allow students time to present work and to prepare peer critiques. Class is limited to 6 students who have completed the Writing Your Life or Making Fine Poems course. 4 students are required to start the class.
Starts 10. 30 am-12.30 pm Thursday February 20: 45 Sutherland St, Dunedin.
Fees $500 by February 20
Can be paid in two instalments. Payment to DE Brown 115234 0078778 37
Class Dates: February 20, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 19, July 17, August 14, September 11, October 9, November 6.